Friday, 16 March 2012

Spring Cleaning, Lunch, & Barretts Birthday!!

I think it should be called a tornado instead, at least that's what my room thought, for it looked like a twister had gone though  it today as I was cleaning.   Q. Why is it when I'm cleaning it always looks worst before it looks better?  Something to think about.   It is done now and it looks awesome, if i do say so myself.  It looks and fills like spring out there today so I said to myself,  "Sarah-- go ahead and open your windows."  Easier said then done!  The windows in my room just happened to be painted shut!  Yes, I said PAINTED!!!  So, equipped with a knife and determination, I approached and conquered triumphantly and now my windows are opened!  Those windows never stood a chance!

Here are some pics of my room after the storm! 

 So yesterday was Barrett's birthday!!   I don't know what I would do with out him in my life. Maybe I would jump for joy or sing like a crazy woman! (just joking Barrett) Seriously, I would be so sad without you big bro and I'm SOOOOO glad YHWH made you my big brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For lunch- Mom and I decided to make something different, special, and EXOTIC!! So,  out came the peanut butter and jelly, and the bread we made last night.  There is nothing more decadent then PB&J's, right? :)  And attempting to put an agreeable spread out, I looked in the fridge and what goes better with PB&J's but applesauce and grapes!  SO---- after putting lunch in our amazing and trusty picnic baskets (otherwise known as paper sacks) we were ready to go.

 Then taking our labor of love out to the ranch, we were met by 4 very starving guys.

This is where this blog post ends!  Talk to you soon!




  1. hahaha! I finally read this post. I <3 you. ;) Nice room, btw!

  2. Sarah,

    You are a precious girl. You inspire me so much. Your amazing outlook on life is thrilling. By the way, I know what it is to deeply love and adore a big brother. I am the same way with my big brother, and it always makes me happy to hear how much you love Barrett. Yahweh knew what He was doing when He made big brothers, didn't He?

    I love you!

    1. Thanks for all the encouragement. And you're sooooooo right, big brothers rock!!!!!!!!
